Dragon Age Inquisition Pc Controls

[size=+1]Requirements and caveats[/size] The script can run in two modes: simple mode and normal (default) mode. By default, the script attempts to automatically toggle off mouselook in appropriate situations, such as when dialogue happens, or when in a UI screen (character, inventory, etc).
Dragon Age Inquisition Pc Controls

I bought the game tommorow but got a refund today because i thought the control spoiled what looked like a great game! I think real-time pausable RPG PC player have some expectation of the controls by now that have been proven to be the more ergonomic and enjoyable. So here I am attempting to give you some feedback for the gameplay to be more intuitive and enjoyable: Toggling in and out shouldn't activate Tactical Mode by default, it results in very clunky dynamic. It should be possible to move the camera further in the map by moving the mouse while not in Tactical Mode, otherwise it makes moving around much more complicated. It should be made easy to select all the party in a single button It should be made possible to queue orders to the party Solving these basic control options should already significatively improve the gameplay. I think it is easily within reach since Dragon Age Awakening didn't had those problems!
Thanks for listening to feedback, I hope it help you to bring the game to the glory it deserves. You would be better off posting a link to this thread: Yeah it got closed after months and months of nothing being done/silence from Bioware as people became really unhappy/angry. The feedback forum is currently a waste of time as well, no community manager and no BW employee's to be found.
To EA Basti This isn't something new, this can of worms was open since Nov last year when the game went live. Ever watch this? Made for PC gamers by PC gamers.
Dragon Age Inquisition Pc Controls
Plug in a controller maybe you can slide by but for mouse and KB users. What a horrible experience! Yes EA got my money but that's the last of it. Everyone I know is no longer buying any of your products. We do appreciate valuable and constructive feedback from our community but keep in mind that we can only pass on your reports and not the ones who can change the game controls or other content. BioWare is constantly working on improving the game and I can understand that some points on your 'to do' list might have a different place on the priority list.