The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has seen. The first installment in the saga was nothing short of groundbreaking, especially for a film based off of a ride at Disneyland. Each subsequent chapter though marked a considerable drop-off in quality, with sequels that barely managed to be watchable. Disney is looking to revive the franchise with Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales though, bringing back (almost) the entire original cast, and a brand new villain to boot. Here’s what we learned from the first full trailer. Insight into the violent past of Javier Bardem’s character, Captain Salazar. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Disney The magic of Hollywood special effects has worked wonders in high-profile movies.
Most recently, it brought back Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, as well as a young Carrie Fisher. Here, it looks to be taking a few decades off of Johnny Depp, showing us Jack Sparrow years in the past. Either that, or Disney managed to dig up a dead ringer for Depp, however unlikely that may be given the studio’s liberal use of CGI in Rogue One. Outfoxing Salazar, and dooming him to a cursed afterlife.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Disney Every Pirates of the Caribbean movie has made a point of casting a young man and woman to serve as mismatched romantic interests. It’s a tradition that dates all the way back to Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, and was picked up following their departure in Stranger Tides. Now, the tradition is being carried on by Kaya Scodelario and Brenton Thwaites. Scodelario plays the aforementioned mysterious girl, who we see sent to the gallows to hang later in the trailer. Clearly she’s run afoul of some powerful people, but her larger role in the story remains a relative unknown. Captain Barbossa returns once more.